South Carolina Association of Orthopaedic Executives
Dear SCAOE Members,
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the SCAOE, I would like to thank you for your ongoing membership in the organization and tell you about an important decision the Board of Directors has made that will greatly expand local access to education and services for orthopaedic executives in South Carolina.
The leadership voted recently to accept an offer from the Georgia Association of Orthopaedic Executives (GAOE) to join forces into one larger organization. Given their membership base, the GAOE has greater access to resources and hosts a much larger annual educational event for their membership. Their Annual Meeting includes two full days of education and a full coding track led by Margie Scalley Vaught for your coding staff. This year’s GAOE Annual Meeting is taking place November 11-13 at Chateau Elan in Braselton, GA (just north of Atlanta).
With this decision by the Board of Directors, orthopaedic executives in South Carolina will be eligible for full Active Membership in the GAOE right away. Over time, if the interest from SC is strong, the GAOE bylaws will be amended to include permanent representation on their Board of Directors for members from our state. To facilitate a successful merger, Andrew Wade has already been appointed as an At Large Member of the GAOE Board of Directors. Our staff continues to manage administration of GAOE as well.
What does this mean for your SCAOE membership?
If you have already renewed your 2020 SCAOE Membership, your membership dues will be automatically transferred to the GAOE and you will be granted membership in the new organization right away. You do not need to do anything at this point.
If you have not renewed your 2020 SCAOE Membership, in the coming weeks you will receive an invitation to consider joining the GAOE as a continuation of your engagement in your local AAOE chapter. Click here to join GAOE.
What does this mean for the SCOA/SCAOE Annual Meeting?
The SCAOE leadership does not want to lose our tradition of having an annual opportunity to gather in South Carolina as well as the exchange of information and education with our orthopaedic surgeons during the SCOA Annual Meeting. The SCOA will continue to offer executives the chance to participate in the SCOA Annual Meeting in August. We will still plan to have social events on Thursday evening and Friday at lunch for orthopaedic executives in attendance and will have a shorter breakout session with educational content on Friday afternoon. There will be a small registration fee for orthopaedic executives to pay to register for the SCOA Annual Meeting since you will no longer be paying SCAOE dues which used to include your registration. The SCOA Annual Meeting is taking place this summer, August 6-8, at The Sanctuary in Kiawah Island. Registration will be released this week.
As mentioned above, our leadership believes this new partnership will deliver significantly enhanced education, member benefits, and networking opportunities for our members. We hope you will consider joining us for the next chapter in our development.
If you have any questions about the merger, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Fraser Cobbe
Georgia Association of Orthopaedic Executives
Tel: 844-234-7800 Ext. 5000
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the SCAOE, I would like to thank you for your ongoing membership in the organization and tell you about an important decision the Board of Directors has made that will greatly expand local access to education and services for orthopaedic executives in South Carolina.
The leadership voted recently to accept an offer from the Georgia Association of Orthopaedic Executives (GAOE) to join forces into one larger organization. Given their membership base, the GAOE has greater access to resources and hosts a much larger annual educational event for their membership. Their Annual Meeting includes two full days of education and a full coding track led by Margie Scalley Vaught for your coding staff. This year’s GAOE Annual Meeting is taking place November 11-13 at Chateau Elan in Braselton, GA (just north of Atlanta).
With this decision by the Board of Directors, orthopaedic executives in South Carolina will be eligible for full Active Membership in the GAOE right away. Over time, if the interest from SC is strong, the GAOE bylaws will be amended to include permanent representation on their Board of Directors for members from our state. To facilitate a successful merger, Andrew Wade has already been appointed as an At Large Member of the GAOE Board of Directors. Our staff continues to manage administration of GAOE as well.
What does this mean for your SCAOE membership?
If you have already renewed your 2020 SCAOE Membership, your membership dues will be automatically transferred to the GAOE and you will be granted membership in the new organization right away. You do not need to do anything at this point.
If you have not renewed your 2020 SCAOE Membership, in the coming weeks you will receive an invitation to consider joining the GAOE as a continuation of your engagement in your local AAOE chapter. Click here to join GAOE.
What does this mean for the SCOA/SCAOE Annual Meeting?
The SCAOE leadership does not want to lose our tradition of having an annual opportunity to gather in South Carolina as well as the exchange of information and education with our orthopaedic surgeons during the SCOA Annual Meeting. The SCOA will continue to offer executives the chance to participate in the SCOA Annual Meeting in August. We will still plan to have social events on Thursday evening and Friday at lunch for orthopaedic executives in attendance and will have a shorter breakout session with educational content on Friday afternoon. There will be a small registration fee for orthopaedic executives to pay to register for the SCOA Annual Meeting since you will no longer be paying SCAOE dues which used to include your registration. The SCOA Annual Meeting is taking place this summer, August 6-8, at The Sanctuary in Kiawah Island. Registration will be released this week.
As mentioned above, our leadership believes this new partnership will deliver significantly enhanced education, member benefits, and networking opportunities for our members. We hope you will consider joining us for the next chapter in our development.
If you have any questions about the merger, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Fraser Cobbe
Georgia Association of Orthopaedic Executives
Tel: 844-234-7800 Ext. 5000
Annual Meeting
The signature event for the organization is the Annual Meeting which is held each August in Kiawah Island in conjunction with the SCOA Annual Meeting. The Meeting provides a venue for leadership development, professional education, and networking.